Week 13 Story: Renuka's Friendship

Renuka's Friendship

The sun overlooking mountain tops
Web Source: Natural Navigator

There was once a wife named Renuka. Renuka was the wife of a feared man named Yamadagni who was feared by both mortals and Gods. Yamadagni often practiced his archery skills and planned an afternoon of archery practice. Renuka conceded to these plans as she loved to please her husband and abide by his wishes.

Yamadagni found the perfect spot to practice archery and the perfect tree for target practice. Yamadagni loved when his wife participated in his practice. Renuka's participation consisted of fetching her husband's arrows and running them back to him.

After a few hours, Renuka grew tired of fetching arrows for her husband and called out to the Sun.

"Sun! Please shine your rays down so that my husband will stop making me run!"
The Sun heard these cries and quickly responded, "Oh Renuka, if I make the Earth hot your feet will burn."
Renuka did not care and continuously pleaded with the Sun, "Oh please might Sun, I cannot play this game any longer!"
"Renuka, you know what you ask of me and I will honor your pleas."

The Sun was getting ready to shine his rays on the Earth, but hesitated. He did not want to harm Renuka and cause her more grief so he fashioned a parasol and shoes to protect Renuka.

"Renuka, please accept my gifts as a sign of friendship and good faith that I will honor your pleas."

Renuka graciously accepted these gifts and the Sun honored his agreement with Renuka. The rays beat down hotter than ever before and Renuka's husband, Yamadagni, began to sweat and burn. Yamadagni called to Renuka and told her it was time to return indoors as he could no longer handle the heat.

Renuka was left untouched by the heat, but followed her husband indoors. She was happy because she was finally able to rest.

Author's Note: 
In the original story, the weather gets hot on its own and Yamadagni exclaims to the sun to basically quit making it hot because his wife is suffering. Yamadagni cares about his wife and wants her to be protected from the sun, so the sun gifts her a pair of shoes and a parasol. I do enjoy the original story, but I wanted to focus this version on Renuka because she was the one who suffered most. Her husband makes her run back and forward to bring him his arrows, which is ridiculous that he cannot get his own arrows. In this version, I wanted to give the power to Renuka because I want to see a female in power and take charge of the situation. 

The Gifts of the Sun
Author: Shovona Devi
Web Source: Gifts of the Sun


  1. Adriana,

    I really enjoyed reading this story today, and thought your adaptation of the original was very clever! I like that you took the story from the wife's standpoint, because as you said in your author's note, she was the one that really suffered and the original doesn't reflect her standpoint nearly enough. I think a good husband and a good man should get his own dang arrows, or at the very least the one with the shoes!

  2. Hey Adriana,

    I never read this story but it would seem that I would have rewritten it too! The women in these stories are portrayed as weak and hopelessly devoted to the men in their lives. I would have liked to see Renuka exert a little more obvious control over her life but this is a good start. I really enjoyed reading your version of the story!


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